Work It Out presents the Old Town Kapaa Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2014

Informal 5K/10K Fun Walk, Run or Bike Race

6:45 AM Check-in—
Event starts at 7:30 AM
Start & Finish at the Kapaa Beach Park

Begin Thanksgiving Day with an early bird burn, then you’ll be able to enjoy eating with family and friends later in the day without guilt. Join others for early morning exercise and fun.

Registration: FREE, non-perishable food for Hale Ho‘omalu or monetary donations to Kauai Path gratefully accepted.
Please help fund our commitment to keeping Ke Ala Hele Makalae beautiful.

For additional info please contact us or call Randy Blake at 808 635-8823  or call 808) 639-1018

Another happening is that the iPhone app #Kauai Beach Guide is being offered free for a limited time.  Take advantage of this offer and get this amazing app which includes daily ocean and weather reports, safety of beaches, GPS, facilities as each beach, and much, much more!

Category : Blog

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