Did you know that Hawaii has the lowest percentage of voters of all the 50 States?  Please help change that awful statistic. You don’t have to vote for every office — heck, if you only want to vote for one person, that’s okay! Only 45% of Hawaii votes — let’s try for a minimum of 50% this time around.

There are so many things that we SHOULD do — like consulting the #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app (FREE for a limited time) before heading out to a beach. There’s a daily ocean report so you know how high the surf is going to be; there’s a weather report, too. Have kids? Find the friendliest beaches for kids. Want to know what facilities there are? – that’s there, too. There’s all sorts of information — and that’s because we want to Help Save Lives! Our goal is to keep the number of drownings down by giving people a tool that let’s them know what’s happening with the ocean on any given day. SO – Vote in the election, download the FREE Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app.

Category : Blog

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