Kaua‘i is visually stunning and rich in history from ancient to modern times. Stone works and taro terraces tell its history and you’ll also find it in letters among missionary families, in milling stones saved from early sugar plantation days and in the first-hand accounts of Kauaians who recall defensive barbed-wire fences strung on beaches during World War II.

Saturday, May 9, Musicians, Melodies and Memories
This is the Kauai Historical Society Spring fundraiser pa‘ina at Smith’s Tropical Paradise, 5:30-9:00. Some of Kauai’s favorite musicians from all parts of the island will come together for a high-energy concert of Hawaiian music. Buffet dinner, no-host cocktails, silent auction. Musicians confirmed to date: Darryl Gonzales, Kirby Keogh, Pancho Graham, Garret Santos, Dennis Chun. More musicians to come. Reservations $85 per person. Bring ukulele, guitars, hula for great Hawaiian jam.
The silent auction will be a lot of fun. Here are some of the items what will be available:
- Kamehameha Publishing: three books
- Lawai Beach Resort: Certificate for 2 nights in 1 bedroom unit
- Grand Hyatt Kauai: Weekend stay, run of the house; $200 certificate for Tidepools, 1-day pool pass
- Restaurant Kintaro: 4 certificates, $25 each
- Poipu Bay Golf Course: two rounds of golf
- Aqua Hospitality: two nights at Kauai Shores Hotel, 1 room
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