A fun Parade with the community lighting up themselves or their vehicles to celebrate the arrival of the Holiday Season. Parade starts when the Festival of Lights (at the Historic County Building) light up at 6pm with songs by the Kauai Chorale. The parade starts from the Vidinha Stadium and travels up Rice Street to the Historic County Building. There is also a craft fair at the Kauai Museum that lasts all day from 9am-night with food vendors. Great for the entire family.
Our team at the #Kauai Beach Guide loves a parade and loves helping putting out info that “helps save lives.” Our amazing Beach Guide was created to help stop the drownings that have happened in Kauai these last few years. The daily ocean and weather report, the pins that mark the safety of beaches, the safety info, all are designed to give you a wonderful, worry free vacation on our Island. The app also has info on facilities at each beach, GPS, filters for child-friendly beaches, and much, much more. Enjoy the Parade, enjoy the FREE #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app.
Category : Blog
Work It Out presents the Old Town Kapaa Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2014
Informal 5K/10K Fun Walk, Run or Bike Race
6:45 AM Check-in—
Event starts at 7:30 AM
Start & Finish at the Kapaa Beach Park
Begin Thanksgiving Day with an early bird burn, then you’ll be able to enjoy eating with family and friends later in the day without guilt. Join others for early morning exercise and fun.
Registration: FREE, non-perishable food for Hale Ho‘omalu or monetary donations to Kauai Path gratefully accepted.
Please help fund our commitment to keeping Ke Ala Hele Makalae beautiful.
For additional info please contact us or call Randy Blake at 808 635-8823 or call 808) 639-1018
Email: news@kauaipath.org
Another happening is that the iPhone app #Kauai Beach Guide is being offered free for a limited time. Take advantage of this offer and get this amazing app which includes daily ocean and weather reports, safety of beaches, GPS, facilities as each beach, and much, much more!
Category : Blog
There are times when two plus two can equal three. Trio Con Brio Copenhagen is one such instance, where family ties, cultural blending, and musical connections all converge to color, shape and energize the concerts they present worldwide. Korean sisters Soo-Jin and Soo-Kyung Hong and Danish pianist Jens Elvekjaer created the Trio in Vienna in 1999 with the concept of pairs coming together. The sisters had played together since childhood, and Jens Elvekjaer and Soo-Kyung Hong (who are now married) had played piano and cello duos together for years. According to Mr. Elvekjaer, “We have always felt that this ‘two and two equals three’ dynamic provides a uniqueness and intensity to all of our performances.” This is a presentation of the Kauai Concert Association. Tickets can be purchased at the door, $25 for adults, $10 for students.
Category : Blog
Come to the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall, November 14-16 and 21-23 to see this wonderful production! Dates and times:
Fridays November 14 and November 21, 7: P.M.
Saturdays November 15 and November 22, 2: and 7: P.M.
Sundays, November 16 and November 23, 4: P.M.
For ticket info, call 246-8985 or visit www.HawaiiChildrensTheatre.com
And if you’re looking for beaches to enjoy with your children, check out #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app, FREE for a limited time. This amazing app can tell you the safest beaches for you and your children, what you can do at each beach, facilities, parking, GPS on how to get there, daily ocean and weather report, and much, much more. Above is a picture of Poipu Beach Park, ideal for young children AND it’s lifeguarded.
Category : Blog

November 09, 2014 12:00pm – 6:00pm
Festival begins promptly at 12 Noon – 6 PM
6 hour live music festival that features some of Hawaii’s finest artists/musicians in the slack key guitar genre. Festival will feature up to 15 artists/musicians in concert for 6 hours performing various styles of slack key guitar along with vocals. Slack Key Guitar in Hawaii began in 1830 on the Big Island of Hawaii and will celebrate 184 years in 2014. In addition, the festival will feature island crafters, community information booths, booth and beverage for purchase and a festival merchandise booth selling festival t-shirts, artists cds, dvds, and other music related products. There will be a $10.00 admission charge at the door. No pre-sale tickets will be available. All tickets are general admission.
Contact Info
Milton Lau
Ki-hoalu Foundation, Inc.

Category : Blog
Did you know that Hawaii has the lowest percentage of voters of all the 50 States? Please help change that awful statistic. You don’t have to vote for every office — heck, if you only want to vote for one person, that’s okay! Only 45% of Hawaii votes — let’s try for a minimum of 50% this time around.
There are so many things that we SHOULD do — like consulting the #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app (FREE for a limited time) before heading out to a beach. There’s a daily ocean report so you know how high the surf is going to be; there’s a weather report, too. Have kids? Find the friendliest beaches for kids. Want to know what facilities there are? – that’s there, too. There’s all sorts of information — and that’s because we want to Help Save Lives! Our goal is to keep the number of drownings down by giving people a tool that let’s them know what’s happening with the ocean on any given day. SO – Vote in the election, download the FREE Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app.
Category : Blog
Fundraiser in Wailua at Smith’s Tropical Paradise
This annual fundraiser for the nonprofit Kauai Historical Society features Cyril Pahinui, award winning slack key guitarist and vocalist. Peter Moon, Jr. adds ukulele and Jeff Au Hoy adds romantic Hawaiian steel guitar. Cocktail music at 5:00 by Larry Rivera. Silent auction of many desirable items: airline tickets, fine art, jewelry, Hawaiiana, rare books and more. Dinner buffet of island favorites to be followed by Cyril and musicians. Reservations recommended; call Historical Society at 808-245-3373 to charge or get list of ticket outlets. $75 per person; $35 tax deductible.
Another Historical Event was the release of the Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app a little over two years ago. The purpose of the app is to “Help Save Lives”. How? By having color-coded pins to show which beaches are the safest; a daily ocean and weather report; a list of facilities at each good beach; GPS; a filter to show child-friendly beaches as well as other important facts. The year the app was released, there were 15 drownings on Kauai. This year there are far less! We hope our app had something to do with that. For a limited time, the #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app is FREE.
Category : Blog
Artist’s Reception for the Preview Exhibit for the 2014 Open Studio Tour on Thursday, October 30, 2014 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the YWCA Women’s Center in Lihue. Please join them for a “Meet the Artists” reception with pupus and beverages on the evening of October 30, 2014. The Women Artists of Kauai Preview Exhibit will be available for viewing at the YWCA Women’s Center through November 12, 2014. There will be one piece of art for sale from each of the artists participating in our 3rd Annual 2014 Open Studio Tour and 20% of the proceeds from any sales at the YWCA will be donated to the YWCA’s wonderful programs for women and families. There will be information about the Studio Tour available at the YWCA.
The YWCA Women’s Center is located at 4410 Hardy Street, Lihue, Kauai. For more information on their programs please visit: http://ywcakauai.org/
The team at #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app (FREE for a limited time in iTunes) will continue to bring you events of interest on our blog. We hope to attract new users to our amazing app which includes daily weather and ocean reports, GPS, facilities at each beach and color coded pins to let you know which beaches are safest +++. Our motto is “Helping Save Lives.”
Category : Blog
Please save the date for the 9th Annual National Make A Difference Day in Lydgate Park—7:30 AM to noon, Saturday morning, October 25, 2014.
Registration: If you can volunteer for this community workday kindly reply to this e-mailM (see below) before noon on Thursday, October 23, and then come to the Main Pavilion at Lydgate Park for sign-in at 7:30 AM, Saturday, October 25, 2014.
Who should attend: This community workday is planned to engage volunteers of every age and ability.
Attire: Work gloves, sun protection, work clothes, and shoes recommended for typical workforce volunteers.
What to bring:
We’ll need to borrow ladders so please let me know if you can bring 6 ft. or taller ladders.
To minimize plastic waste please bring your own reusable water bottle—we’ll provide chilled drinking water throughout the workday.
The Friends will serve you snacks and lunch.
Full details: see www.kamalani.org.
Mahalo for helping to make Lydgate Park better for everyone!Lydgate Park is one of the lifeguarded beaches shown on Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app. Right now, this app is FREE!! You’ll find the lifeguarded beaches marked with green pins, and the safety of other beaches marked with yellow and red pins. There’s also daily ocean and weather reports, GPS, a list of facilities at each beach +++. It’s an amazing tool to make your stay on Kauai that much better.
Category : Blog
Kauai Community College
All seats $10 at the door
Tickets: www.htyweb.org
Description of Play:
Why do we eat what we eat? Where do we grow what we eat? Why does that even matter? This musical romp through Hawaii’s favorite subject mixes humor, history and science to explore our community’s relationship with food. Built through extensive conversations with local farmers, chefs and grandmothers, this is essential viewing for anyone who eats.
Our team at Kauai Beach Guide is back writing about up-coming events on Kauai! Thank you for your support during the Hurricane Ana scare! We’re glad it passed us b
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