Ahukini Beach Was Closed THURSDAY

Ahukini Beach Recreational Pier, roadway and parking area was closed from 8: A.M. to 4: P.M. Thursday the 8th while County of #Kauai Fire Department personnel practiced rescue training on land and at sea.  KFD’s Helicopter Egress Training involved the retrieval of people from the water using county helicopter Air 1.  For safety, the public was asked to keep clear of both land and sea areas that werevin use.  Ahukini is located just north of Lihue Airport and south of Hanamalu Beach Park.

For continuous safety, buy the Kauai Beach Guide App in iTunes, only 99¢. The App includes a daily ocean report; weather; color-coded pins which denote safety of beaches; beach history, parking and facilities; GPS; and much more.Landing page map

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