A Special Exhibition

In celebration of the National Tropical Botanical Garden’s 50th Anniversary, there is a wonderful film being shown, “Voyage of Discovery.”  This one hour film is shown daily at the NTBG headquarters at the foot of Papalina Road in Kalaheo. Call for times: 332-7324, ext. 227

Imagine yourself in the 1700s setting off on a journey from England to sail around the world with Captain James Cook.  What new pants would you see on this voyage of discovery?  These exotic plants were captured in sketches which engravers in England then used to create superb quality copperplates.  But the majority of the engravings were not printed until more than two-hundred years later when the copperplates were taken out of storage at the British Museum and painstakingly used to produce 100 complete sets of prints from the voyage.  This process took over a decade. NTBG will be exhibiting 30 of these prints along with information on the plants illustrated.  The exhibition will end at the end of May.


The Kauai Beach Guide is also celebrating that fewer people have drowned this year!!  Hopefully, more people have bought the iTune app for 99¢ which has a daily ocean report, weather, GPS and much more.  Of particular interest are the color-coded beaches, with green showing life-guarded beaches, yellow naming beaches where one should use caution, and red showing beaches to avoid.  Our goal is to save lives.  And our hope for you is to stay safe.

Kauai-Hawaii-BeachLanding Page


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