Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season is upon us in Hawaii, as Hurricanes Iselle and Julio are quick to remind us. Hurricane impacts can include high winds, heavy rain, flooding, high surf and storm surges.

The Emergency Alert System provides early warnings across the state through radio and TV broadcasts. If you hear a siren, turn on your radio or TV to hear the specific warning and instructions.

Be prepared by fueling your car and charging your cell phone. For those not at a hotel, stock nonperishable food items for a 7 day supply for the entire household. This includes 2 quarts of water per person, per day. If possible make sure to have flashlights, batteries, matches, portable radio, and a basic first aid kit. If evacuation is necessary, remember to include all medications, a change of clothing, pillows and blankets, and personal toilet articles.

Avoid the beach and stay indoors. If you are staying at a hotel, follow their instructions. Otherwise, seek a safe place without windows to wait out the storm. A bathroom or staircase is safer than a windowed room. Do not be fooled if there is a lull, it could be the eye of the storm. Wait inside until authorities say it is safe.

During and after a hurricane avoid using your cell phone except for a serious emergency as lines can get overloaded and local authorities need first priority.

After a hurricane drive only as necessary as streets will be full of debris. Stay away from disaster areas unless local authorities ask for volunteers. Stay away from rivers and streams until potential flooding has passed. Avoid swimming in the ocean as there could be unseen debris and brown water warnings.

Be safe! With Aloha from those of us at Kauai Beach Guide.


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