Coming UP the Week of 6/20/14

Outlook through Thursday June 26: no significant swells expected during the forecast period. The current trade wind swell will remain unchange through tonight but is expected to lower slightly Friday afternoon as the trade winds eases off slightly. The swell will rise slightly after Monday in response to strengthening trades. The south facing shores will be getting a series of small, long-period south swells during this period, measuring at most 2 feet. The first of three is slated to arrive Friday night followed by Sunday. The third has the highest height of 2 feet slated for on Wednesday night into Thursday.

To check the daily ocean and weather reports, look no further than the Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app, only 99ยข in iTunes. You also get GPS, color-coded pins to show safety of various beaches, facilities at beaches, safety tips and much more! We want you to be safe here on Kauai, and the Ocean demands your respect.

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