Two dozen monks call this monastery home. From the unlikely purchase of their Kauai property to obtaining one of the world’s largest uncut crystals, and starting a world-wide publishing enterprise connecting Hindus around the planet, these monks are proof that all of us can accomplish things that may appear impossible.

In the 1960s, Gurudeva, the founder of the monastery, started looking all over the world as to where he would establish his headquarters. One of his monks who joined 48 years ago, Palaniswami, was chosen by Gurudeva to buy what is now the basic property in 1969. Then it was a hotel where the monks had held a retreat after booking a place in Mauai that became inaccessible after a wind storm. Over the years, the monastery expanded to 382 acres, cared for by the monks.

The monastery is open to the public daily from 10:30 A.M. to noon. Free guided tours are held almost every week. Call 735-1619 for reservations. Check out www.himalayanacademy.com/visit/plan-your-visit for dress code and other info.

And if you want to know about Kauai’s beaches, we offer the Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app, only 99ยข in iTunes. There’s a daily weather and ocean report, GPS, info about the beach facilities, color-coded pins to indicate safety of beaches, and much more! Let the Kauai Beach Guide help you enjoy your stay on our Island and be alert when it comes to the ocean!!

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