It’s a Fabulous Floral Parade event with traditional Pa’u riders representing each island, Hawaiian organizations in full regalia, the Kamehameha Court led by Ali’i Nui: Thomas Lindsey Sr., Grand Marshall: Ambrose Smith, Pa’u Queen: Lady Haumea all starting at the Vidinha Stadium near the airport and traveling up Rice Street to the County’s Historical Building Lawn where there will be entertainment, crafts, demonstrations and lots of food and fun. Please join us in celebrating our Hawaiian Heritage. Our theme is Kaua’i: Moku ka `ili La: Kaua’i: Island that Catches the Sun!
Parade starts at 9am at the Vidinha Stadium and proceeds up Rice Street. Hoolaule’a at the Historical Building starts at approximately 10:30am or when the Kamehameha Court Arrive.

You can check the weather on Saturday on your Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app (99ยข in iTunes) plus the ocean report, GPS, beach facilities, color-coded beaches for safety, an lots more!

Enjoy the day.

Category : Blog

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