UPDATE: NASA test flying saucer at PMRF

The original launch date was Tuesday, June 3, but due to weather, is now scheduled for Thursday, June 5. A 34 million cubic foot helium balloon (large enough to fill Rose Bowl Stadium) will lift off from PMRF carrying a saucer shaped disk. At an altitude of 120,000 ft., the balloon will drop the disk. then, a long nozzled solid fueled rocket engine will kick in with 17,500 lbs of force, sending the 15′ wide disk from 23-34 miles above the ocean and reaching 4 times the speed of sound. Once at top speed, a donut shaped decelerator attached to the vehicle will inflate to slow the disk down to Mach 2.5 before a parachute (the largest supersonic parachute ever flown) is deployed. If all goes well the saucer will land safely in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Kauai, where boats will be waiting to pick it up.
NASA has five additional potential dates for launch if needed: June 7, 9, 11 and 13. The launch window is from 7am to 8:30 am. You can watch the action at www.nasa.gov/nasatv.

If you wonder about the weather and the shot, you can also get weather on #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app, only 99ยข in iTunes. You’ll also find a daily ocean report, GPS, color-coded pins that denote safety of beaches, info about each beach, and a lot more!

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