Our planet is about to pass through a sprawling burst of 200-year-old space dust that could make for a dazzling, never-before-seen meteor spectacle. East Coasters should go outside between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Saturday night/Sunday morning for the best chance to see the sparkly show. It could be seen in Hawaii after dark

The May Camelopardalids could bring more than 200 meteors per hour, double what you’d expect at the peak of the well-known Perseids shower. Stargazers have had the chance to see Perseids every July for centuries, but Camelopardalids is brand new to us. The reason: We’re about to encounter the debris field—the stuff that showers into our atmosphere—from the 209P/LINEAR comet for the first time since it was discovered 10 years ago.  This info is from an article in an Atlantic newspaper.

Talking about “possible,” surf and currents can be tricky and it’s possible that they can suddenly become dangerous. That’s why the #Kauai Beach Guide iPhone App (only 99¢) is really important to help save lives! The daily ocean report; the colored pins that show which beaches are lifeguarded, which beaches call for caution, and which beaches are dangerous; and then things like what facilities can be found at each beach; GPS  to help you get there; and much more.Lydgate copy                                                                   LYDGATE PARK — FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY

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