Happy New Year!

Here at Kauai Beach Guide we want to reflect on all the positive things that have happened this year. The new ocean safety video playing at Lihue’s baggage claim area, as well as in several hotels now, briefly features our app at the end of the video. This kicked off an ongoing fundraising campaign to raise the monies to create an Android version of our app, to promote ocean safety to a wider range of Kauai visitors. We have successfully raised almost $8,000 towards this goal, and continue to fundraise. There is a fundraiser page on our website if you would like to donate using PayPal: click here and know that we are very appreciative!

The creator of the Kauai Beach Guide, Vicki Sterne, was invited to speak at the State of Hawaii Ocean Safety conference in October, where her work was widely recognized and appreciated. This led to an invitation to join the Kauai Lifeguard Association Board as a member, and she has gladly accepted this position. Sterne was also invited to participate in the Kauai Ocean safety summit, and was one of the only civilians present.

There were several great articles written about the Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app, and the biggest coup was a one page spread in Hawaiian Airlines Hana Hou magazine!

We also released a new update that includes a Hazards subsection under each Beach Info page, as well as information about the Rescue Tubes to be found at most beaches under the Aloha Info Safety section.

Category : Blog

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