New Update to Kauai Beach Guide App

We are very happy to announce the latest update to the Kauai Beach Guide iPhone app! New safety information has been added, as well as some behind the scenes technical improvements.

Under each Beach Info page, there is a new Hazards section located just after Facilities and any Activities. We worked together with Chuck Blay, a noted geoscientist with a passion for ocean safety, and Pat Durkin, a former lifeguard and a member of the Kauai Lifeguard Association, to ensure our hazard information is as accurate and helpful as possible.

There is also new Rescue Tube information under the Safety section in the Aloha Info. Since the app was originally released, the number of rescue tubes around Kauai has grown to over 200, and there have been a number of documented rescues using the tubes. To make room, we moved Sun Facts down under Beach Extras to join Child Friendly Beaches and Camping.

In light of this year’s number of drownings on Kauai, we felt these were very important additions to our app. Our lifeguards on Kauai have been doing a tremendous job—not one of the drownings occurred on a lifeguarded beach during lifeguard hours (9am-5pm), and we want to recognize all their hard work, and hope our app assists them in helping to keep Kauai’s beachgoers safe!

If you would like to help us in our efforts to raise money to create an Android version of our app, please visit our Fundraiser page to donate using PayPal. Thank you!

Category : Blog

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